Journey across a long trampoline

When Ashlynn was three, I enrolled her in gymnastics.  I knew it was going to be awesome.  She was so cute in her little pink leotard and ponytail.  I can still remember how much fun she had.  I can also remember being heartbroken and sitting there hurting.  The favorite activity was a long, large trampoline.  The kids would all wait their turn and then happily jump forward down it with

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Woes of regression

Woes of regression

If you’ve ever watched your baby fail to meet the simplest of milestones.. If you’ve sat in meetings and offices and were told things like 1% percentile If you’ve felt a pain you can’t describe that is only eased by hope.. You know why regression hurts so much. If you’ve ever driven your child back and forth to countless therapies.. If you’ve ever felt a mix of pride, happiness, grief

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A letter to my son, a sibling to a child with a disability

A letter to my son, a sibling to a child with a disability

There’s this saying if you want to know how to treat a child with a disability or special needs, watch their sibling. Today after school I chatted with a mom who has a child with Down Syndrome in third grade. We’ll call him M. Ashlynn my daughter is in the integrated learning center program with him though she is in 4th grade, but they frequently see each other in the

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