Having an Apraxia Sister is Hard.

Having an Apraxia Sister is Hard.

We are in the middle of a pandemic called COVID 19.  History books will write of it, and you will have remembered living it.  The Corona Virus – or COVID 19 put the world to a stand still.  Never before in the history of my lifetime or even your grandparents lifetime had the world come to a stop as it did in 2020.  Everything you could imagine was cancelled.  Basketball.

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A letter to my son, a sibling to a child with a disability

A letter to my son, a sibling to a child with a disability

There’s this saying if you want to know how to treat a child with a disability or special needs, watch their sibling. Today after school I chatted with a mom who has a child with Down Syndrome in third grade. We’ll call him M. Ashlynn my daughter is in the integrated learning center program with him though she is in 4th grade, but they frequently see each other in the

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An open letter to siblings.  Always be there for each other.

An open letter to siblings. Always be there for each other.

Jace, not only have you had an EXCELLENT and continued start to the school year, I am so proud of you for your behavior at this year’s apraxia walk.  I know it’s not easy to see Ashlynn get a medal for apraxia, and you don’t understand why.  Not yet anyway.  Either way though, you stick by her side, held the sign during the walk, and supported her the best way

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Did we squash my son’s light to save my daughter’s?

Did we squash my son’s light to save my daughter’s?

As most of you know, I’m SLPMommyofApraxia – referring to the fact that I’m an SLP and mom to a child with apraxia.  I’m also a mom to a typical developing, smart, energetic, and curious  3 year old, little J. I have my own private blog for J, because somewhere along the way I decided I like to document my kids’ lives through my own written words.  No one can tell

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