You know you need awareness when you know more than the “experts.”

You know you need awareness when you know more than the “experts.”

About a year ago I switched insurance from my husband’s to mine, in order to leave no stone left unturned.  I know that kids with apraxia can have some sort of positive indicator on a brain MRI, or genetic marker.  I had yet to do any of that testing, and so I decided this was the year to do it. My husband questioned why.  Is there a reason to know?

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What is executive functioning and why do you need to know?

What is executive functioning and why do you need to know?

Does your child struggle with impulse control? Do they run out or touch things they know they shouldn’t but seem unable to help themselves despite consequences?  Do they struggle to get dressed?  Does it take you 30 minutes longer to get out the door in the morning than you think it should?  Do they frequently lose things like important papers from teachers? Is their desk, backpack, and folders completely disorganized and

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That’s not acceptance, that’s discrimination

“That’s not acceptance, that’s discrimination.” I watched a fellow apraxia mom say this today while she wiped tears from her eyes.  Why?  Well, she was looking at a beautiful newspaper article in the Valley Breeze that she bought special.  She knew it featured her seven year old son who threw out a first pitch along with two other children that day, and couldn’t wait to see his picture and read

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Apraxia, special ed, and grad school. One woman’s remarkable tale.

One day I was perusing The Mighty to see if any new apraxia articles had been posted, and I ran across an article by Kelsey Belk, a graduate student studying to be an SLP.  I was so inspired by her article I just had to reach out and thank her.  I found her on facebook and saw that she was currently attending the University of Northern Colorado! I live in

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Apraxia would have destroyed me

I often think about what would have happened had it been me who had apraxia, dyspraxia, SPD, dysarthria, and a learning disability when I was young.  It’s pointless I know, but I was/am a perfectionist.  That’s not a good thing.  I learned early I was really good at spelling, reading and writing, but math I had to work for.  I won a math award in 3rd grade and I looked

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