Finding hope again is like finding a diamond in the rough

Finding hope again is like finding a diamond in the rough

We always hear about mama bears.  Okay, maybe it’s just me, but I guess I am one.  Daddy bears don’t have quite a good a reputation.  Daddy wolves though.  Watch out.  Read about them.  You do NOT want to cross a daddy wolf. My dad is a daddy wolf.   I found a definition online that read, “Male wolves are attentive, monogamous and fiercely protective dads that live with their

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Feels like we’re falling down the hill again…..

Feels like we’re falling down the hill again…..

I’ve been sad.  Really sad.  What’s the point in sugar coating it.  It’s interesting, because I didn’t really start blogging until after we were really seeing progress in Ashlynn’s speech.  I was able to be upbeat and positive in most of my posts.  Sure there were some sad ones, or some angry ones, or some worried ones, but for the most part, I was feeling and had been until recently,

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Ashlynn play boats with daddy.

Ashlynn play boats with daddy.

She only had a handful of word approximations, and her favorite thing to say was “a dah.” and “hi.”  I’ve learned from my parent support group that most kids with apraxia have a go to sound that they use for everything, and “a dah” was Ashlynn’s.