Sensory strategies

Sensory strategies

Sensory issues are a common co-morbidity to children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). Certainly my daughter with apraxia stemming from a genetic mutation has her own! In this post I’m going to share some various sensory related issues we have had throughout the years and strategies that helped. Sitting in Circle Time In preschool and even into Kindergarten, Ashlynn had a very difficulty time being able to sit in

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This school year, teach your children to be kind.

This school year, teach your children to be kind.

This year as you talk to you children about their new teacher, new classroom, and new adventures, I beg you to talk to your kids about being kind.  I beg you to explain to your child that children with disabilities are just like them, but it might take a little longer to understand or get to know them.  If nothing else though, please just teach your children to be kind.  Maybe ask about something they did that was kind alongside your questions of who they played with or what they learned.