“Oh my goodness!!” Ashlynn turns 5!

“Oh my goodness!!” Ashlynn turns 5!

The day started long before the AM. Preparations were in place to decorate the house after Ashlynn went to bed. This year was different though.  When I left to leave while Cody was putting her to bed, she asked me where I was going. “Mama?  Where you going?” Though I tried my best to cover, she asked, “You going for my birthday?” Freeze time. My daughter has ALWAYS been astute

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Annual IEP – year 3

Annual IEP – year 3

It’s been two years since Ashlynn was first identified as having CAS.  She is now almost 5.  At her first IEP meeting, I remember praying that she would talk.  If she would just talk, everything would be okay. Last year, she was talking, but they explained she had a hard time fitting in with her peer group.  She would tend to just repeat what others said, but she was at

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Why we need milestones, and why I can still be proud of my daughter.

Why we need milestones, and why I can still be proud of my daughter.

I recently read a blog article about not buying into speech and language milestones.  The writer asserts: “Because here’s what I think of traditional milestones: f*ck them…………My baby will do that when she’s ready. This is not the Olympics, people.”She went onto explain that parents seem to make milestones into some sort of competition, and she doesn’t want to buy into that.  I get her point probably even more poignantly that she

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“I love you mommy!”

“I love you mommy!”

These words are cherished by any parent.  These words are eagerly anticipated.  When you have a child with a speech delay, the eager anticipation eventually gives way to desperation, and maybe, (though hopefully not) apathy. Ashlynn has been able to say “I love you” for awhile now.  Once she really got good at imitating, we had her imitate it every time we told her goodnight and tucked her into bed.

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You play dirt with me?

You play dirt with me?

We took our annual Fourth of July camping trip to Glendo State Reservoir in Wyoming.   It’s a family tradition, so I decided to document her progress each year.  Last year’s experience can be found here: Glendo 2013This was only a few short days after our near drowning incident at her pool during swimming lessons. Glendo is a HUGE reservoir, and a lot of our time involves the beach.  I

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