A Gift of Speech Printables Giveaway!

Today I’m featuring A Gift of Speech’s Shannon Archer!  Included in this bundle will be THREE separate activities you can print out and start using! Interactive Multisyllabic Words! Minimal to No Prep Activities in color and black & white! Practice multisyllabic words with multi-modalities: visual, auditory, tactile, verbal, and FUN! Activity include 23 pages of interactive activities to practice multi-syllabic words! This activity was created to help work on multisyllabic

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Apraxia and the village.

I work in the schools a few days along with my private practice work.  I say I work in the schools because I like working in Ashlynn’s school, and that’s partially true.  However, I have always in my career had at least one child on my caseload with apraxia in every school in which I have worked. If you have a child with apraxia, you’re probably thinking, “what’s the big

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The problem with school SLP’s.

I only realized after being a part of the special needs community that school SLP’s have a bad rap.  Like a really, REALLY, REALLY bad rap.   I’m preparing a talk next month for Colorado school SLP’s, and every time I prepare a talk for this demographic, I have to tell you they have a special place in my heart.  No, it’s not just because I started as one and

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Don’t just teach the speech.  The importance of co-articulation and prosody in the treatment of CAS

Don’t just teach the speech. The importance of co-articulation and prosody in the treatment of CAS

Co-articulation.  Prosody. Those are two words you might have seen when researching apraxia.  If you are treating a kid with apraxia or you have a child with apraxia and are not familiar with these terms, you NEED to familiarize yourself with them. To have a diagnosis of apraxia, you need three main criteria: Inconsistent productions with sounds Difficulty with co-articulatory transitions Errors with prosody (stress, intonation, pitch, rate, volume) Recently,

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An open letter to millennial cynicism, indifference or neither?

An open letter to millennial cynicism, indifference or neither?

Non-profit. What does that word mean to you exactly?  No really, I have over 300 email subscribers, 1300 fb subscribers,  and….this can’t be right…but according to my statistics I see 10,000 visitors per month.  That’s crazy considering I get maybe 40 likes on a good day on my fb page and a couple comments per month on the blog.  I know SOMEONE is reading this blog though,  so sincerely, I

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