If you have been helped by this site at all, please give a #highfiveforapraxia

If you have been helped by this site at all, please give a #highfiveforapraxia

I originally started this blog as a way to spread awareness, and maybe commiserate with or even help others on this journey with me. As a parent and an SLP, I have readers now who are also both.  Hopefully there has been something you have found useful on my blog.  I have thought before about trying to make money and monetizing my blog, but I personally hate pop up ads,

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An open letter to millennial cynicism, indifference or neither?

An open letter to millennial cynicism, indifference or neither?

Non-profit. What does that word mean to you exactly?  No really, I have over 300 email subscribers, 1300 fb subscribers,  and….this can’t be right…but according to my statistics I see 10,000 visitors per month.  That’s crazy considering I get maybe 40 likes on a good day on my fb page and a couple comments per month on the blog.  I know SOMEONE is reading this blog though,  so sincerely, I

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What can we do next?  #givingtuesday

What can we do next? #givingtuesday

The #knockoutapraxia movement: I want to thank everyone who participated in the #knockoutapraxia hashtag campaign on November 14th.  I along with many others watched Ronda lose to Holly Holm.   Our group was disappointed no doubt, but we all rebounded quickly.  Why?  We experience knockdowns everyday.  Our children do too.  If we didn’t rebound we’d never be able to keep moving forward.  Though our hashtag campaign is over (for now,

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