Reality check. Once upon a time, I feared I may never have children.

Gratitude. Finding gratitude. I truly do believe gratitude is one of the most important practices on a path to happiness. I’ve been having a hard time lately again. I hadn’t felt this discouraged since Ashlynn was first diagnosed about 4 years ago. I worry so much, and even though we work sooo hard, harder than most people it would seem, we continue to stumble backward. It’s such a terrible place

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One kickass family, finding your tribe, and other lessons from Finding Dory

I finally watched “Finding Dory” last night.  I had already wanted to see that movie because I’m sorry, Ellen Degeneres is awesome, and her Dory character in Finding Nemo is the best! However, when the movie came out, my clients started asking me if I had seen it.  “No…” was my reply as I sighed in disappointment. “You HAVE to see it!” was the resounding response.  Yeah, yeah, I know.

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The Gift, Grandma, and more lessons in emotional intelligence

Ashlynn has always given us “papers” with her scribbles on them.  She constantly surrounds herself with papers and pens.  As impressed as I am with her always working hard, the paper obsession drives me mad.  I have papers all around my house!  They are treasures to her though, and you never want to refuse a gift from a child. Ashlynn has a Great Grandma Green who visits periodically and stays

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Where did THAT come from?

Where did THAT come from?

If you follow my facebook page, you probably already saw our HUGE news!  Ashlynn came home from school this week with a note and award that said she had successfully verbally named EVERY single letter AND letter sound.   It’s nothing short of amazing.  Ashlynn has been working soooo hard and for YEARS.  YEARS!  She deserves it soo much.  We bought ice cream for her and let her eat it

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Finding hope again is like finding a diamond in the rough

Finding hope again is like finding a diamond in the rough

We always hear about mama bears.  Okay, maybe it’s just me, but I guess I am one.  Daddy bears don’t have quite a good a reputation.  Daddy wolves though.  Watch out.  Read about them.  You do NOT want to cross a daddy wolf. My dad is a daddy wolf.   I found a definition online that read, “Male wolves are attentive, monogamous and fiercely protective dads that live with their

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Outloud Timer app Review and giveaway

Outloud Timer app Review and giveaway

Timers can be a useful way to manage behavior, promote task completion, or as a way to motivate the child.  Digital clocks and timers are great and convenient, but they aren’t teaching kids an understanding of the passage of time, and are more abstract. Outloud Timer is different.  You have the option to set the timer to either seconds or minutes and then set the time. A penguin appears and

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