Baking with speech and language

Baking with speech and language

Parents are always looking for ways to incorporate speech and language activities at home.  Whether it is to stimulate a typically developing child’s vocabulary and language, or to help a speech or language delayed child; baking is great and fun way to work on speech and language. The first and most important rule before you start, is you have to accept the fact that your toddler will make a mess,

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Grouchy ladybug activity for easy repetition practice for apraxia.

Grouchy ladybug activity for easy repetition practice for apraxia.

I have a little secret.  I’m a speech/language pathologist, but at times, I’m artistically challenged.  I can’t tell you how many times my kids have laughed at my pictures.  I do think back to grade school and I remember getting mad about art activities telling my teachers I would never need to use art EVER in the real world. Oh life sure has a sense of humor! Being artistically challenged however,

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