Initial ‘T’ tic-tac-toe

Initial ‘T’ tic-tac-toe

One thing I’ve found, is that as an SLP, finding materials for apraxia can be challenging.  This is mostly due in part to the fact that syllable shape and complexity matter more for apraxia than they do for other speech sound disorders. For example, if you were working on the ‘T’ sound and opened a typical articulation workbook, it wouldn’t be uncommon to see a variety of single syllable and

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Minimal pair sort

Minimal pair sort

I have a little guy in therapy right now who has a difficult time with /st/ blends.  He consistently drops the /s/ in this blend only.  To bring awareness to what he saying, SLP’s many times employ what is referred to as “minimal pair” therapy. Minimal pairs are two words that are similar except for one sound.  Many times, minimal pairs rhyme if the only sound changed occurs at the

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Language with a loom

Language with a loom

OT and PTs can have fun and creative activities for children. They provide good tactile and/or sensory activities that can also be great for practicing speech and language at the same time.  This loom idea from the Inspired Treehouse is a perfect example! For instructions on this easy to make loom check it out here! We started first by cutting strips of material…a good fine motor activity. When my kids

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