Putting words together!

Today was such a great day!  I have to write it down so I remember things Ashlynn is doing so later on, I appreciate how far she has come.  When I’m with her everyday, I tend to get focused on how much she is behind instead of celebrating the new things she does.  I really need to focus and celebrate all the successes! Today when she woke up from her

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Omega supplements?

If you have done any research on apraxia, Omega supplements will probably come up.  I have had my daughter on Barlean’s Omega Swirl for a little over a month now.  Though there is no definitive proof that Omega’s help speech, I chose to try it for a few reasons.1.) Omega supplements have been getting more attention for helping disorders of the brain.  When I was researching bipolar disorder a few

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Private speech evaluation

I have been antsy since the poor and disappointing experience I had in the school district.  Poor Ashlynn has once again been subjected to constant therapy all day long.  In addition, I couldn’t stop thinking that I still have a month until she starts school and therapy, and then it might be another month or more after that to “give the therapist a chance.”  We could potentially be losing two

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IEP on the other side of the table

So yesterday we had Ashlynn’s initial eligibility meeting.  I am so used to be the one running the meeting and telling parents the results of testing, that it was a little surreal to be on the other side of the table.  I have to say that the entire process was underwhelming and I left less than impressed.  You would think that knowing I am an SLP for a neighboring school

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Oral apraxia

Looking back, there were SO many signs that told me Ashlynn had apraxia. Before she even spoke, there were things she couldn’t do that I knew wasn’t normal. However, my family, my husband’s family, and even my husband told me she would do it on her own time, or all kids develop differently, or to stop being so critical of her. Despite my training and perhaps wanting to believe them,

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She’s eating meat!

Last night, my husband came home with chicken fingers for dinner.  Ashlynn kept asking for some, but I told her no because she has always refused to eat meat. I’m not sure if it was the texture, because as a baby she ate it when I puréed it with vegetables, and she would eat mushy chicken nuggets, but that’s about it. I realize now, many of her picky eating habits

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