There is either fear or hope.  Pick one

There is either fear or hope. Pick one

Life would be so much less complicated if we lived on breaks.  haha.  Yes, that is my opener and I realize it’s not only a statement captain obvious would make, but it’s completely devoid of reality. Seriously though, breaks are awesome.  Family comments how far Ashlynn has come.  We are all stress free (well at least from school and work stress).  We can spend time as a family doing things

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One kickass family, finding your tribe, and other lessons from Finding Dory

I finally watched “Finding Dory” last night.  I had already wanted to see that movie because I’m sorry, Ellen Degeneres is awesome, and her Dory character in Finding Nemo is the best! However, when the movie came out, my clients started asking me if I had seen it.  “No…” was my reply as I sighed in disappointment. “You HAVE to see it!” was the resounding response.  Yeah, yeah, I know.

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Feels like we’re falling down the hill again…..

Feels like we’re falling down the hill again…..

I’ve been sad.  Really sad.  What’s the point in sugar coating it.  It’s interesting, because I didn’t really start blogging until after we were really seeing progress in Ashlynn’s speech.  I was able to be upbeat and positive in most of my posts.  Sure there were some sad ones, or some angry ones, or some worried ones, but for the most part, I was feeling and had been until recently,

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Hello dyspraxia…thanks for making me cry

Hello dyspraxia…thanks for making me cry

I’ve been riding a pretty nice high in the post apraxia diagnosis era.  Mostly positive and determined, I had taken action and Ashlynn’s speech improved significantly.  That is such a celebration, truly.  Everyone comments within the family, at work, or at school how her language is exploding and she’s talking so much more! Yes! But then…..her dyspraxia started becoming more noticeable and our focus shifted.  Dyspraxia affects her ADL’s (Activities

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To tell or not to tell……..your child they have apraxia of speech?

To tell or not to tell……..your child they have apraxia of speech?

I see a question that gets asked a lot.  In fact, I asked it myself.  It usually goes something along the lines of, “Did you tell your child they had apraxia?  If you did, how did you say it? What did you say?” I remember thinking when I first saw this question that I wouldn’t tell Ashlynn until way later….and then…maybe if she still seemed apraxic, I would tell her.

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