Interview with Mikey.  The wish that turned into a passion.

Interview with Mikey. The wish that turned into a passion.

I am so excited to have probably my favorite person I know on social media I know with us today. His name is Mikey and he is admin to the page Mikey’s Wish – Verbal Dyspraxia Awareness. Mikey’s famous tagline is that himself and others with verbal dyspraxia/apraxia are “too cool to follow the neurotypical rule.” Mikey thank you so much for being here! For my readers who don’t know,

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Ashlynn play boats with daddy.

Ashlynn play boats with daddy.

She only had a handful of word approximations, and her favorite thing to say was “a dah.” and “hi.”  I’ve learned from my parent support group that most kids with apraxia have a go to sound that they use for everything, and “a dah” was Ashlynn’s.

Baby development screens

Baby development screens

When I held my baby, and even when she was in utero, I had visions and dreams of her being this incredibly verbose child with a large vocabulary.  In fact, I dreamed she would be like me.  The first few months brought all the regular milestones: tracking with her eyes, smiles, giggles, and even rolling over. However, she did have a case of very pointy toes.  So pointy in fact,

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