The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything: SLP activity pack

The book is a repetitive book that builds on the page before. This little old lady goes for a walk in the forest and runs into various articles of clothing and each item makes a certain sound: shoes (clomp), pants (wiggle), shirt (shake), gloves (clap), hat (nod), and a big pumpkin head (boo) at the end. As you will learn from me, repetitive books are excellent books to use to promote language and practice speech since the children can catch on after a few repetitions. You can read more about how to use repetitive books for apraxia in my free handout .
I always make sure to get out props as it engages the children to pay attention and participate in the book even more. If you have my companion pack though, there are printable pictures you can also use. For my verbal students, they have to say the sound that goes with their item each time it comes up in the book. For my nonverbal students, I might record the sound on an assistive technology device of some sort that they must press when it is their turn.
I usually choose which items to give the kids depending on their level of speech or language development. Since Ashlynn has apraxia, I gave her the pumpkin head that said, “boo” when she was younger, since she was working on bilabials (b,p,m) in CV combos. As she got older, I have her saying the more complex syllable CCVC ‘l’ blend shapes (i.e. clomp, clap).
Once the kids catch on to their word or phrase, as I read the book I stop at their part to have them say it. Lots of participation and lots of fun!
To get my activity pack that includes a sequencing and following directions activity: go to my teachers pay teachers store.
Happy Halloween!