We are all in this together

Captain’s log Colorado United States, Planet Earth Day 2 of Social Distancing.

I joke, only kind of. I was a big Star Trek geek when I was younger and I can’t help thinking the current pandemic is a new frontier.

The COVID-19 AKA CoronaVirus of 2019 has infiltrated the world to a level I have never witnessed during my time as a passenger on cruise ship Earth.

This is a letter to “my tribe.”

My social media tribe or should I say TRIBES.

Social media gets a lot of criticism, but to me social media when used properly is a gift. It’s all about perspective.

No one nationwide, make that worldwide is immune to current events. It’s easy to go down the pat of fear and uncertainty and think the worst, feel alone, or worst yest, develop contempt and an “us versus them” attitude.

My tribe is not location specific. Thanks to social media I have many, many tribes that span the globe through a shared experience.

The COVID-19 experience is worldwide. It’s global. We’re all in this together. It is a common enemy that does not see country, policy, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

We are ALL in this together. It is prudent to follow the advice of health experts, and at the same time I”m grateful for platforms that remind us of our shared humanity in any corner of the Earth and connect us to this shared and blessed experience of being human.

Though you may be part of many tribes that foster connection and unity, may we all not forget that we are all part of a worldwide HUMAN tribe and remember we will get through this together.
Much Love,

Laura Smith, M.A. CCC-SLP is a 2014 graduate of Apraxia Kids Boot Camp, has completed the PROMPT Level 1 training, and the Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol (K-SLP). She is the author of Overcoming Apraxia and has lectured throughout the United States on CAS and related issues. Currently, Laura is a practicing SLP specializing in apraxia at her clinic A Mile High Speech Therapy in Aurora, Colorado.

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