Why nature weighs more heavily than nurture

Why nature weighs more heavily than nurture

Nature versus nurture.  It’s a phrase that comes up in my profession, even if it’s unspoken.  I’m in the business of child language development, and nothing raises more eyebrows about nurture than a child who can’t talk…. or who has poor vocabulary knowledge…… or is lacking in language skills. Oh it comes up in psychology too.  We’ve all heard the stories of twins separated at birth and raised in different

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The Do’s and Don’ts of in-home speech therapy

The Do’s and Don’ts of in-home speech therapy

Being both an SLP AND a mother to a child with a severe speech disorder, I have this unique and sometimes bizarre perspective; that perspective, of course, being that I now intimately understand both sides.  That being said, I think parents/my clients, typically feel more comfortable telling me things parent to parent vs. parent to SLP. As a mother now to a child with apraxia, I have a new appreciation

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Your Childhood Apraxia of Speech(CAS) starting guide

Your Childhood Apraxia of Speech(CAS) starting guide

Click on the links below: What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech? Apraxia? Phonological Disorder?  Language Disorder? What’s the Difference? 10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Apraxia of Speech Recommended books for Childhood Apraxia of Speech Why Nature Versus Nurture Weighs More in Childhood Apraxia of Speech Experience is the Key Architect of the Brain in Childhood Apraxia of Speech Motivating Games for Speech Therapy Parent strategies to promote speech

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