Interview with Reagan, a 17 year old with CAS
I’m so excited to introduce you all to Reagan! She is a 17 year old girl with apraxia of speech. She is positive and inspirational, active in social media groups giving parents and children words of hope and encouragement. I wanted to interview her to get her perspective on having Childhood Apraxia of Speech and I’m willing to bet as a fellow worried parent, some of her answers may surprise you as they did me! In the news story here: High school student gives voice to kids struggling with speech, Reagan’s mom says she was dx at 3, but didn’t speak a full sentence until 9. The news clip also says Reagan was enrolled in speech therapy every day at the age of 3. Watching this news clip made my jaw drop, especially now that I know Reagan a little bit better.
Hi Reagan! I am so happy to have stumbled across your news story in our Ronda Rousey: #knockoutapraxia group! You are truly an inspiration, and really give a great perspective.
Read about her story here: High school student gives voice to kids struggling with speech
1.) What do you remember about your early days in speech therapy?
I don’t really remember my early days of therapy.
2.) When did you know you had apraxia?
I knew when I was like ten. I did a little presentation on apraxia in fourth or fifth grade because they thought I could be deaf. I told my class what it was.
3.) How has apraxia affected your life, or does it?
Apraxia has affected my life not in a lot of ways; but I know sometimes I need to repeat and slow down what I’ve said.
4.) You often say you want to be a voice for kids who have apraxia. Tell us what you mean by that?
Be a role model for the kids who have apraxia and tell them it will get easier.
5.) What do you wish more people knew or understood about apraxia?
I would like people to understand that we get everything they say but can’t get our words out all the time.
6.) What is something you would like to say to all the kids out there with apraxia currently struggling to speak?
It will get easier and easier but it will take some time. I train myself to say new words that I have the same way for awhile. I listen to myself and train my brain how to say it right.
7.) What inspires you and what do you want to be when you grow up?
Journalists, because they have good stories to tell but sometimes sad, and they find time to have fun on air. I want to be a journalist or a producer. I would love to be on tv or behind the scenes.
Thank you so much Reagan! It has been great getting to know you, and I am so impressed with your desire to continue apraxia awareness and help so many others! As proof, she made this poster for Ashlynn one day, just out of the kindness of her own heart.
In a follow up post, look for my interview with Reagan’s mom!

Reagan is 17 years old and is a senior in highschool. She’s aspiring to be a journalist. Follow her on Twitter @ ApraxiaReaLynn