…and the haters gonna hate

At the risk of turning off people with another Ronda Rousey post, I debated not writing this.  However, I’m a writer, and in times of thought and reflection, a writer must write.

I was more than shocked to realize not everyone shared my same vision and hope from my Ronda Rousey story.  I guess I was naive.  Either way, I started to feel down but then I realized something. I have nothing to prove to anyone, and trying to prove it doesn’t matter anyway.

They might not share my vision or opinion, because of the very fact it wasn’t their vision, it was mine.  It wasn’t their experience, it was my experience.  I can’t care what haters have to say.  I don’t have time to care what they say because I’m too busy chasing my goal and my dream. Let them doubt.  Let them hate.  Let them bash.

If you need me you’ll find me fighting for apraxia.  You’ll find me fighting for my daughter and for my clients.  You’ll find me doing what I can to raise awareness, to give my clients hope, to give my client’s parents hope.

You’ll find me organizing a walk.  You’ll find me reading recent research, planning my lessons, making my materials or playing with my kids.   You’re not going to find me fighting you on whether or not you should like Ronda Rousey.  Why you would not gain hope from listening to a woman who beat apraxia speak with no hint of a speech disorder is beyond me.  Why you wouldn’t want to show your kids that they can not only beat apraxia but they can go on to do anything they want to do is beyond me.   I can’t dwell on other people’s motives or thinking.

As far as Ronda having yet to respond, well, I’m not worried in the least.  I know what she promised, and I know she’s not impulsive.  In a quote the other day she said,

“I’m a patient girl,” Rousey said. “I wanted to respond at the most appropriate time where I thought I could make the biggest impression…” when talking about her quip to Floyd Mayweather. (In case your wondering, she waited an entire YEAR).

There is very little doubt in my mind that is why Ronda has yet to respond.  Aside from being insanely busy, she’s uber famous.  People are so entitled.  What, they think they sent out a tweet and she should respond immediately and if she doesn’t that means she doesn’t care?  Ronda herself trained in a gym for 8 months before the trainer finally agreed to give her a chance to even train for the UFC.  Someone sends out a tweet, waits 24 hours, and because she didn’t respond she has no interest in addressing it?  Who are you and what makes you think you’re so damn important?

Ronda grew up during a time where apraxia was not even the term they really used for apraxia.  It was called a number of different things and some people believed it was a myth!  It has only been since 2007 since it was OFFICIALLY acknowledged.  Maybe she wanted to do her homework a little.  She looked me straight in the eye and made a concerted effort to promise me she would mention it. Immediately afterward she tweeted the brochure spreading awareness to millions.  MILLIONS.

How is that not amazing?

In the meantime, I’ll just be singing Taylor Swift “Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate….”




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