Journey across a long trampoline

When Ashlynn was three, I enrolled her in gymnastics.  I knew it was going to be awesome.  She was so cute in her little pink leotard and ponytail.  I can still remember how much fun she had.  I can also remember being heartbroken and sitting there hurting.  The favorite activity was a long, large trampoline.  The kids would all wait their turn and then happily jump forward down it with

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Woes of regression

Woes of regression

If you’ve ever watched your baby fail to meet the simplest of milestones.. If you’ve sat in meetings and offices and were told things like 1% percentile If you’ve felt a pain you can’t describe that is only eased by hope.. You know why regression hurts so much. If you’ve ever driven your child back and forth to countless therapies.. If you’ve ever felt a mix of pride, happiness, grief

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Sensory strategies

Sensory strategies

Sensory issues are a common co-morbidity to children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). Certainly my daughter with apraxia stemming from a genetic mutation has her own! In this post I’m going to share some various sensory related issues we have had throughout the years and strategies that helped. Sitting in Circle Time In preschool and even into Kindergarten, Ashlynn had a very difficulty time being able to sit in

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A teacher, a dog walker, and an answered prayer.

A teacher, a dog walker, and an answered prayer.

We are currently in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic. I think it’s week 4. I’m not sure. Time blurs. I was feeling it yesterday. The weight of it all. Not being able to leave the house. All the closures. Working from home while teaching my children and doing their assignments with them. The unknown about when this will end. All the cancelled events. I wrote last night I

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Having an Apraxia Sister is Hard.

Having an Apraxia Sister is Hard.

We are in the middle of a pandemic called COVID 19.  History books will write of it, and you will have remembered living it.  The Corona Virus – or COVID 19 put the world to a stand still.  Never before in the history of my lifetime or even your grandparents lifetime had the world come to a stop as it did in 2020.  Everything you could imagine was cancelled.  Basketball.

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